Monday, March 27, 2017

[SOLVED] Large disk space consumption (Windows 7)

I’ve run into this on a system and wanted to share.

I was having aproblem with disk space and used diruse.exe utility to isolate an folder that was using an enormous amount of disk space.  The folder was in the ProgramData\Microsoft folder.


Basically, the Windows Error Reporting service captures errors and gathers data that may be related to a crash (i.e. files) and stores them in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue folder.  I had 33 GB of extraneous data there that I used the method in the link to clean up.


The WER service never deletes these files that it captures.  Absolutely, crazy!




Friday, March 17, 2017

Simple Folder compare script

DFS Replication was doing something strange when I enabled replication during the day.  Had a user complain that they were missing a file.  Another user said the same, so I needed to do a simple folder compare to see if there were differences.  The folders were different in *.tmp and ~*.* files, but I did find 7 files that were not on both replication partners.

Used the following script to do the comparison:

PS L:\shared\Peds IT\Nerds\Reggie\dfsr> $fso = get-childitem -recurse -path "Y:\replicated"
PS L:\shared\Peds IT\Nerds\Reggie\dfsr> $fsoBU = get-childitem -recurse -path "Z:\original
PS L:\shared\Peds IT\Nerds\Reggie\dfsr> Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $fsoBU -DifferenceObject $fso

Reference:   Easily Compare Two Folders with Powershell